[MTRXCALC is a calculator interface to a rather sophisticated
application performing methods in numerical linear and matrix
algebra. The interface makes many operations very simple and in
general offers convenience-of-use not seen in the software for
professionals. One can solve linear systems, factor matrices,
obtain eigenvalues and etc. at the push of a button.
Alternately one can type their own expressions such as
'A*inv(B*trans(B))' and have it evaluated and displayed. Data
entry is simple also. ]
Long Description:
[This application MTRXCALC provides the ease of the calculator interface to both
elementary and sophisticated methods of matrix and linear algebra (complex or real).
Buttons for:
the inverse,determinant,norm and etc.;
solving linear systems via partial or complete pivoting or the QR method;
factoring as LU,Cholesky or QR and then forward or backward substitution;
and eigenvalues,eigenvectors by the Inverse Power or QR sequence;
are quick and convenient.
Typed expressions such as:
'rows( 1,3,5..8)'
are evaluated. and the results are shown in the spread sheet-like display
Elementary row operations can be performed much as on a calculator.
Why so many ways to solve a linear system? Because partly this program is
intended to serve in a tutorial vein making one aware of the various numerical
procedures and of their differing performance. But the hallmark of this
application is CONVENIENCE and EASE of USE.]
Registration Information:
[This product is shareware and you are licensed to freely distribute the files provided herewith provided you do so free-of-any-charge. You are licensed to use this product for evaluation of itÆs usefulness. After 21 days of trial you should either discontinue use or pay $25.00 for a registered copy. Registration entitles you to a free registered copy of the first upgrade version for Windows 95 as well as a registered personal copy of this application with serial number, ,implemented improvements and any bug repairs as of the date submitted.
( You may use the WinHelp print feature to print a copy of this topic found in the on line help file )
MTRXCALC Registration Order Form
Payments must be in US dollars drawn on a US bank, or you
can send international postal money orders in US dollars. Send the payment and this order form to Merritt Sugg, Little Rock, AR 72210.
Single Copy $25.00 each _______________
Additional copies with this order
______copies $12.00 each _______________
Total payment ______________
Distribution disk ______3.5" ______5.25ö.
OS Version WIN32s_____, WinNT3.5x_____, Windows95_____( Select one )